There I was
strolling around enjoying the visually stunning
East Side Gallery in Berlin, when suddenly...
.In my head I went " NO FUCKING WAY!"
"Erwin ?!?!?" I said.
"Yes, do I know you ?"
"No, but you will now! Hi, I'm Pedro.
Would you mind if I take your picture?"
he laughed- "Sure !? ...ohh ... Are you also a photographer ?" (weird discust face)
"Yes, with this !"
I blushed and pointed to my retarded compact camera
( sometimes the lens gets stuck and I have to tap it, and make weird movements for it to begin to work )
Where are you from ? he asked amused
"Portugal... I know, right?
a really weird country like yours !"
and this, ladies and gentlemen,
is how I met, humiliated myself
one of my favourite photographers
of all time !